Monday Memo 6/24
Hey Otter Fam!
We have some bad news and good news! Unfortunately, Gridley could not secure the required meet starting officials to have their meet next weekend. There will be NO more Gridley meet this upcoming weekend as reflected on your calendars, bummer! In addition to having enough officials on our team so that our Otters are able to obtain awards, in order to host a meet experienced officials in an advanced certification role of Meet Referee/Starter /Computer Operator also need to be secured to host a meet.
Fortunately, Coach Mikayla has offered to attend & coach the Lassen Volcanoes meet instead, which is located in Susanville. They have RV campgrounds 15-20 min away from their pool and hotels such as the Diamond Casino or Comfort Inn. The Lassen meet closes Monday night at 11:59pm, so we need a quick decision here of whether you would like to attend. It is about a 2.5 hour drive away, and will be their 1st meet. Please register on OME if you plan to attend so we can get a head count. Please also let us know if you would like to become an official- there are some online trainings required before one can begin their 4 days of on-deck training shadowing officials. We need several more officials attached to our team to ensure our Otterly Amazing athletes can continue to score those medals and ribbons at Invitational meets.
Here is the picture order link from Billings Photography:
Lastly, speaking of the longevity of our team, there are several board members at the end of our term that will not be returning past August. If you are interested in joining your board please let us know so that we can welcome you to our group early and show you how we get things done for all of our Otters.
Thank you!
Please see attached memo for lots of info for this upcoming week including Otter O Thon Monday and Picture Day Schedule.
Your Otter Board💙🦦